2020, my year in review
Dec 22, 2020 • 2 min readThis is my first year-in-review post, probably because I’m writing a blog for the very first time. This is that kind of post which nobody cares about except who writes. BUT. I think it’s a nice way to rethink and summarize all the things done.
We will remember you forever. Coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives and working habits. I don’t know if we’ll go back to our former lives. Maybe we will never go back. I like to think about what good this can mean: a better quality of life, balancing free time and work, and much care of our health and enviroment.
it hasn’t all be bad
Real life
My second child was born on May 27th. I would never have imagined becoming a father a second time also because the first one is almost 9 years old. It was the greatest joy of the year. All the difficulties I thought about disappeared since his first day of life. Seeing the two brothers growing up together today is fantastic.
Professional life
The big news is that in 2020, during the first hard lockdown in Italy, I launched my personal website and blog. But it was a very productive year for many other reasons. So, let’s see them:
- 232 contributions on GitHub, on both private and public repositories
- Managed 137 tasks across 4 projects
- Built the first styleguide & pattern library for Citynews products – the design system is on the way
- Wrote 7 posts on my blog, 2 stories on Medium and 1 article on DEV
- Published Typesmith on GitHub and NPM, a Sass responsive typography library
- Have been productive for an average of 75% of my working time, tracked with RescueTime app
what’s next
My new year resolutions are a collection of “go back to…”. Here’s what:
- go back to physical training, because the new born cutted off my free time at all
- go back to sleep 6 hrs per night, same cause as above
- go back to travel
- go back to having fun in the free time (restaurants, pub, clubs, cinema)
- continue making new open-source and side projects
- write more on every kind of platform sharing my experience, projects and more
- launch my workshops
- see if new job opportunities arise
That’s it. We all look forward to leaving this year behind. Wish you the best for new year to come.